Here is a how to article on how to obtain the “raw” full list of all the domain names currently on auction at GoDaddy Auctions.
You will first use your browser and type the follow web address:
Upon visiting that address, you will likely be presented a “log in” authentication box like this:
Simply type auctions in the User Name box, leaving the Password box empty. Then click Log In.
It may just ask for a password and no user name. If it does this, just leave the password field BLANK and simply click OK.
Once logged in, you will be presented with several text links of different files you can download. I mainly only download 1 file and that one is the Bidding Service Auctions and I download the format. I do not have any program that converts the .xml files. The .csv files open in Excel.
This list updates Daily. I find that it normally updates by 9:30 am Central Time. Sometimes earlier, sometimes later… but it’s normally close to 9:30 AM CT.
Another file I download from time to time is the Expiring Service Auctions . The Bidding Service Auctions list is about 95% expired domain auctions only. Some domains are “member listed” but not many. Once the download completes, open it up!
There are several different metrics included with the domains: Auction End Date, Bid Price, Bids, Domain Age, Traffic Estimates (take with a grain of salt) and Valuation Price (again, take with a grain of salt).
My main reason for obtaining these domain auction lists like this is, to search the domains the way I Want To and I use it with my ZipZing software. You do not have to use it for that, because you can simply search by domain age, valuation price etc. but I use my dictionary based software with these lists. Since the software only takes “domains”, there is some filtering that I need to do with the current lists, to only have the domains, in a .txt file.
Here are some Excel shortcut tips that I use:
I use the DATA tab and then use the za to sort highest to lowest. This works well for pulling the “oldest domains” to the top of the list for an example.
Ctrl + F : This is the Find feature. For an example, you have to select a column and you can find, let’s say the “end” of the list of domains ending for a specific date. If the domain list starts with a date of 06/21/2014, and I want to get to the last domain of that date, I would select the column with the dates, press Ctrl+F and type “the next date”, which would be 06/22/2014. This will bring you to the end of the 06/21/2014, because it brings you to the first date of 06/22/2014! I then click on the “last domain” in the domain column and use another shortcut.
Ctlr+Shift+Home : This shortcut will “highlight” all the domains from the “selected point” all the way to the top of the list. After doing Ctlr+Shift+Home, I copy and then paste the list of domains into a .txt file (notepad) and save the file with a specific name. I can then open this file in my ZipZing software and filter the domains using the dictionary tool.
What type of .txt files do I normally create? I do one by domain age. I normally do one with domains that are 5 years and older. Another one, for Traffic domains. I do one for $10, 1 bid domains. I do one for Bids Only. Again, I do this for use with my software, but you can make and use the lists however you want.
Knowing how to use Excel and it’s shortcuts will greatly help you with filtering the lists!
It takes a little “work” to do this, but it also allows you access to the full list of domains and the option for you to search the lists how you want!
My ZipZing domain dictionary filtering software currently back on sale! Visit to learn more about it! It is a very valuable and flexible software as long as you understand how it works!
I hope this helps you if you were unaware that these lists existed or you simply didn’t know how to obtain the full GoDaddy Auctions domain lists!
I think one way to offer/sell your zipzing software is to provide a free version that has limited capabilities, selections etc., and pro/premium version. Then you can have a no-refund policy as the user had plenty of time to try it out.
Another way would be to enforce some kind of licensing, i.e whenever the software is started, it checks/links to a central database to check for valid license.
Another way would be to have the software built for the web/online. This may require more $$$, but then you have more control over pricing it out as one time buy or monthly subscription etc. and also with the limited/free and pro/paid versions. This way you have more control on the access, and free loaders would be filtered. You could have a one time buy only for customers who have tried it out for at least 3 months (or whatever duration) of paid subscription and no refunds for the one time buy.
I am sure there are tons of other options as well, and some would require more $$ to implement.
I hope this helps.
Thanks Viqi! Yeah, I’m looking at my options now, see what can be done with having to “redo” the software etc. Hopefully I can just add a serial key to it, which will greatly help.
you little notes about your zipzing are intiguing, other option would be trade the software for a domain name worth $xxx wholesale, and non returnable.
It is an interesting little tool! Bill Sweetman really likes it, Adam Dicker likes it, Adam Strong likes it and many more 😉 . The barter is a good idea but also can lead into.. who sends what “first”. Is that domain really worth $100 etc.
It´s more easy to use
I need to put my own Like Button on here because I would have clicked it 🙂
Thanks for the ftp tip. It’s exactly what I need right now.
Very useful because GoDaddy does not seem to make it or public even for auction members.