According to whois records, DuPont has acquired the generic domain name that has long been owned by Warren Dudack of the internet marketing firm, The Great Stuff Company.

I’m sure this generic domain name has been a target for DuPont for its popular Great Stuff insulating polyurethane foam product for many years and they have finally acquired it.
I have reached out to Warren, the seller for comment and I will update if I hear anything back about the domain sale or purchase price. There is potential that this was a substantial domain sale.
To note, if you do not follow me on Twitter, I post a lot more domain movements via @yofie almost daily, just because it’s easier than writing articles all the time. I posted A LOT of domains today, so check it out.
Update: I did hear back from the seller, Warren and he was not able to provide any comment due to a NDA. also I think
I can’t tell you how much I have spent on those $8 cans of foam over the years, good investment, they make a mint from that product.