Welcome to another round of Domain Movers, where DotWeekly puts a pulse on corporate domain name activity.

Today, we see several gaming companies registering new domain names likely related to upcoming new game releases. We also see some “advertising” domains and several branding type domains.

Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. registers the domain names HandVaccum.com and HandVaccums.com

The Procter & Gamble Company has acquired the domain name SmileGuru.com from HugeDomains. The domain has been registered since October 2013 and had … Read the rest

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Welcome to another round of Domain Movers, where DotWeekly keeps track and puts a pulse on domain name movements by companies around the world.

Here are some of the latest domain movements:

Mondo (GetMondo.co.uk) had to do a rebrand due to an undisclosed company “challenging” them and has rebranded as Monzo. The company made a very wise choice and secured the globally recognized, exact match .com domain name Monzo.com this time around. Not only a name change but a … Read the rest

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Goldman Sachs & Co. has acquired the premium generic domain name Marcus.com for a new brand of consumer lending. The domain has been registered since 1992.

Goldman Sachs shows up in whois records on July 16, 2016 coming from a law firm likely used by the company to help acquire it. Prior to that, the domain name was under privacy protection for a couple years after showing Ari Marcus & Company as the past owners.


Potential naming issue? Marcus Theaters … Read the rest

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Here is a sampling of the corporate domain name movers that I detected in the past 24 hours of newly registered domains, domains acquired and more.

Johnson & Johnson registered the domain name LifeKeepsMoving.com, adding to the 43,500 other domain names they already own.

WordFace is a term a currently unknown CSC Corporate Domains client is putting focus on. Domain names like PlayWordFace.com and WordFaceGame.com have been registered. Dating back to 2014, the EMD WordFace.com was owned by HugeDomains … Read the rest

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