There is a fairly strong chance that the domain name has been sold! This would be a multi-million dollar domain sale if it did sell again! sold during a 2010 DOMAINfest domain name auction for $1.75 Million as I reported to Harlequin Holdings Limited. The domain had a “beta” site on it for several years but nothing really was on the “site” other than that. Plus it mainly focused on escorts. has switched domain registrars, but … Read the rest

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Hello! These are domain name movers and they are moving for one reason or another. Either a large company purchased the domain name, sold the domain name or the domain is simply moving for another reason. Here are some domain movers that I have able to dig up that likely wouldn’t have been announced otherwise. has been purchased by Hines Interest Limited Partnership for an undisclosed amount. Hines is a real estate development, investment and management firm. has … Read the rest

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Welcome to another round of domain name movers which I scour the web and look for domain names that have likely been sold or moving for another reason and they likely wouldn’t get reported otherwise. I always try to provide a price but it’s often very hard to find one. I also often only use whois data and experience because contacting either party often results in not hearing back or there are often NDA on the sales so nothing can … Read the rest

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In under 10 years, the Fallenstein’s family owned business has moved from its garage to venturing online and now operating out of a 200,000 square foot warehouse with over 100 year round employees and thousands of seasonal employees. The “Whoa” moment happened when the company out of Mankato, Minnesota, now called brought its Halloween costume business online.

I had the opportunity to talk with Tom Fallenstein about the companies amazing domain names they currently own and how they eventually … Read the rest

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