Domain Movers is series on DotWeekly that focuses on company domain name transactions. These are early detection’s so there isn’t always much information behind them but we try our best to provide as much info as we can.
Here is a very small sampling of the movements detected over the past 24 hours:
Calvin Klein, Inc. has registered, adding to the 2,600+ domains the company already owns under its parent company Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation. has transferred out of CSC Corporate Domains over to GoDaddy under whois privacy. The domain was owned by BB&T and potentially has changed ownership. The domain is currently resolving with an invalid SSL. BB&T owns a little over 2,200 domain names.
LINE Corporation has acquired from The domain was registered in July 2014 has revealed Eastman Chemical Company in whois as the buyers of as I predicted in early June 2017. This domain was part of GoDaddy’s NameFind portfolio and was listed with a $15K buy now. Eastman filed a TM in May 2017 for the term. has been acquired by, a SafeNames corporate client. The domain name was for sale using the Uniregistry system prior and has been registered since 2004.
Stericycle Returns Management registered, adding to the 177 other domain names they currently own. Stericycle offer medical waste removal services and is a public company, listed on NASDAQ, currently trading at $71.44 per share. I checked the companies leadership but none of which are named Dave, so the use for the domain isn’t currently known.
Cybertania Inc. has acquired at domain name aftermarket service Sedo for $2,500 EUR.
Esco Couplings has acquired, also at Sedo for $2,800.
Electronic Forms LLC has acquired out of GoDaddy’s NameFind portfolio for an undisclosed amount. was also acquired out of the NameFind portfolio and has transferred to’s domain registrar under privacy. The website is now live, offering “A better way to shop, share, and socialize”
TDX LLC of Latham New York, has acquired at domain name aftermarket service Afternic, for an undisclosed amount. has been sold by Frank Schillings company, Name Administration Inc. The buyers are currently unknown but they are likely an end user. Nice, make sense domain that likely holds a fair amount of natural searches each month. has also been sold by Name Administration Inc. to a currently unknown buyer but the domain has been loaded onto a German hosting name server Servage. has transferred into GoDaddy from a Chinese registrar. The domain was for sale by prior and potentially has sold. The domain is currently redirecting to and does not resolve.
PepsiCo, Inc. registered 3 new domain names,, and has been acquired by a new startup called Modern Fertility. The domain has been registered since 2008 and was owned by Hawthorne Holdings LLC prior and was acquired about August 8, 2017. The new startup offers an at home fertility test, which can be ordered directly on its website. The startup has $1 Million in funding and actually started on the domain name which was registered on January 31, 2017.