The bad thing about doing “series” articles is they get pretty repetitive so its hard writing the same thing over and over, but here is the gist of it. spent $28 Million and acquired 204K domain names from Marchex / Archeo. GoDaddy is now Buy Now Pricing these domain names, which they were not before and they were pretty hard to acquire. There are many great generic domains, so I am highlighting 5 a day that have been priced so far and presenting them to you.
These domains are keyword generic .com domains, many common terms and one word .com domains! Great domains for a new business, product, start up, advertising and much more! View the past articles of this series by viewing the category GoMarch!
Here we go with today’s 5 highlighted domains: | $6,119 | $3,977 | Common term domain name with nice branding potential. Priced fairly to many domains in the portfolio. Registered over 15 years ago! | $15,000 | $9,750 | Winning! aka Defeat utterly! Cool brand name IMO! Don’t defeat the competition, pulverize them! | $50,000 | $32,500 | Marijuana has to come to mind with this domain! LOTS of money being made right now with the legalization of it. The domain is priced higher than I’m sure most would like, but consider the potential behind the name. | $7,319 | $4,757 | Generic keyword domain name. The domain sold for $4,305 at Snapnames in 2005. For the cost to charter a plane, the domain seems like a steal! | $27,500 | $17,875 | I like it as a brand name… highly memorable! It’s a dark name but powerful and easy to remember!
Those are today’s five highlighted domains that I think are worth considering from the Marchex portfolio that were recently buy now priced since GoDaddy has acquired them. Best of luck if you decide to acquire one!
Are these under a specific account you can look up on GoDaddy auctions?
Not that I have discovered. I even checked the FTP file for them but no dice! I have asked countless times directly from GoDaddy for a priced list and simply get no reply to my request. I’m hand digging them (the priced ones).