Facebook Secures Oculus.com Domain Name

According to whois records, Facebook Inc. has secured the Oculus.com domain name that was owned by Tim Appnel. I did not see a connection with Appnel and Oculus VR  prior.

Based on whois history records, my educated guess would be that Facebook / Oculus VR, LLC acquired Oculus.com between 10/29/2013 and 12/13/2013.

Oculus.com and OculusVR.com domain names are now with the domain registrar MarkMonitor and display Oculus VR, LLC as the registrant and Facebook as the Tech and Admin contacts.

Oculus used the domain name OculusVR.com as its main domain name before and is right now as well. Oculus.com redirects to OculusVR.com .


Facebook acquired Oculus VR in March 2014 for about $2 Billion.

According to whois history, Tim Appnel owned Oculus.com for a long time, dating at least back to 2004. In 2009 according to Tim’s Linkedin page, he was a publisher at Oculus Magazine. Tim has been in the tech industry for 20+ years.

I have reached out to Tim to see if he is able to share any further details on the Oculus.com domain and I will update if I hear anything from him.

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