Facebook Inc. and Microsoft Corporation have both filed several new trademarks and most are for single word terms. The new trademarks include the following:
Facebook Inc.
- Riff
- Strobe
- Shout
According to whois records, Facebook does not currently own any of the exact matching terms as domain names.
Microsoft Corporation
- Touchback
- Inkback
- Selawik
- Continuum
- Forzatech
- Holostudio
- Holotour
According to whois records, Microsoft does not currently own any of the exact matching terms as domain names.
All of the above trademarks are listed as “computer software” except Forzatech which is listed as “game software”. It really depends on how the companies plan on using the trademarks, but if they are behind a product or service, that increases the chances that the companies will try to obtain the matching .com domain names. It will be interesting overtime to watch and see which ones they will secure. All the domain names that match the terms have been registered for at least several years already but other terms like Continuum has been registered all the way back to 1992 as a domain.
Several of the domains I checked are for sale publicly.