Welcome to Domain Movers! DotWeekly keeps a close eye on corporate domain name transactions and reports them to you. Here is a sampling of some of the recent movements detected:
Nissan registered the domain names NissanCargoX.com, NissanNVCargoX.com and NVCargoX.com
The Coca-Cola Company has acquired the domain name Appletiser.com from a Yoon Jinsoo of Seoul KR and has started a fruity path. Coca Cola had started off by acquiring Fruitizer.com from SABMiller International B.V. around October 12, 2016. They also acquired Fruitiser.com from SABMiller about the same time. Then they acquired Peartizer.com a couple days later, from SABMiller on about October 14. Interestingly, SABMiller also owns Peartiser.com and Coca-Cola didn’t acquire it at the time of Peartizer.com? Maybe whois just hasn’t updated yet for it? Now Appletiser.com but with an S and not a Z? PICA GmbH owns Appletizer.com, with the domain name being registered since July 1998.
SABMiller did own a trademark on Appletiser but it was cancelled around November 2015. They still do own another Appletiser TM. I did not see any TM’s for Fruitizer or Fruitiser.
Other popular fruits? SABMiller owns Grapetiser.com, Grapetizer.com is not registered. The majority of the rest like Cherry, Mango, Watermelon, Raspberry, Kiwi etc. with tizer or tiser at the end are not registered.
There is potential that some of this may be related to this, but the outside acquisition of Appletiser.com is the one link away from SABMiller that hints Coca-Cola may be making some kind of play.
AllsNotLost.com/net and AlzNotLost.com/net have been registered by a currently unknown MarkMonitor client.
OMS Investments, Inc. (The Scott’s Company) has acquired the domain name SpringOpen.com, adding to the 600+ other domain name assets they own. The domain has been registered since 2002 and was owned by BuyDomains.com.
IDEXX Laboratories Inc. registered the domain name LowerTheDose.com, adding to the 200 other domains it owns.
DareToBeFair.com has been acquired by a currently unknown CSC Corporate Domains client. They have also registered the .org domain.
Plantronics, Inc. registered several “Habitat” related domain names like HabitatByPlantronics.com, PlantronicsHabitat.com, HabitatMasking.com, HabitatNoiseMasking.com, HabitatSoundscape.com and HabitatSoundscaping.com
AOL Inc. acquired the domain name BuildSeries.com, a domain name that was grabbed by BuyDomains.com on the drop in July 2016. AOL is redirecting the domain name to the sub-domain build.aol.com for a live interview series they call Build Series.
PepsiCo, Inc. dipped in its pockets and acquired the domain name UncleDrew.com from HugeDomains for about $2,495 via Afternic. Although Pepsico owns several thousand domains, they do not acquire very many in the aftermarket.
Wetten.org was acquired for $22,147 and was acquired with the help of SafeNames for a an unknown corporate client. The term translates from German to English as Bet.
Trip.com which is and has been owned by Orbitz Worldwide, LLC and had a website on it (not very attractive one and appeared outdated) has switched to a very generic “Coming Soon” page on new hosting. The IP location is still Orbitz, so it’s not likely they have sold the asset. Orbitz is a subsidiary of Expedia.
Pfizer Inc. registered the domain name AskForTheRing.com, adding to its nearly 10,000 other domain names they own.
Gammet.com and Gammit.com have both been acquired and moved into MarkMonitor. These domains are very likely tied to the continued effort of protecting Gamut.com which was also recently acquired. It appears that Grainger is the company making the play on Gamut and has acquired several spelling variations in the process. Whois records are all generic for the domains but at one brief point, Gamut.com held Grainger name servers, but have switched to generic MarkMonitor servers again.
JanSport Apparel Corp. registered the domain name UnhingedByJanSport.com, hinting at something new. A new trademark filed in October 2016 states it’s a backpack for holding laptops. They do not own Unhinged.com, which as been registered since January 1, 1998.
Fully.com has been acquired by Ergo Depot from Telepathy, Inc. according to whois records. Ergo Depot offers desks, chairs and other related accessories.