Domain Movers highlights domain name transactions by companies around the world. These early discoveries often highlight new brands, services, products, domain upgrades and much more!, Inc. has acquired from its past owners for an undisclosed amount. The domain has been registered since September 2001 and joins about 500 other domains owned by Overstock. has been acquired by It appears the domain only held a buy now of $590 by its past owner, who registered the domain … Read the rest

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In today’s company focused Domain Movers, we see a bunch of premium domain name assets changing ownership! Most of these can and likely should be stand alone stories, but I already pulled out and so the rest are tucked into the following Domain Movers.

Home Partners of America were the buyers of that I mentioned earlier. Marksmen assisted in the purchase and the domain held a $5,000 buy now. which was/is owned by Barracuda Networks Inc.Read the rest

Read More has been acquired by Visible Service LLC.

The company had acquired which I highlighted in January 2018 when the company was forming and launching. The launch is much further along and now they have the best domain name for the company/brand.

Visible Mobile

This was likely a substantial domain name purchase, but well worth the investment when your brand is Visible, to own! The offering is a mobile service through an app that is $40 per month. has … Read the rest

Read More

Livestream has acquired the premium exact match domain name from its past owners, Mevo Inc. for its Mevo live streaming camera, Mevo.

Livestream launched a live streaming camera in January 2016 branded Movi and launched with the domain name By April 2016 Livestream rebranded the Movi to Mevo and started using

Anytime you name your product one thing and your domain name is different, it’s a problem. People will almost always assume a branded product uses the … Read the rest

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