Welcome to Domain Movers where DotWeekly keeps track of corporate domain name transactions. These early findings often reflect new brands, products, services and more by many large companies. Consider it breaking news, an insiders view.


T.C. Pharmaceutical Industries Co.,Ltd. paid $133,000 for the premium 3 letter domain name TCP.com. The seller acquired the domain name in 2011 for $18,500 to go along with TCP.org and TCP.us he already owned and DomainGang.com spoke with the buyer at that time.… Read the rest

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Welcome to 2017 and Domain Movers! DotWeekly keeps track of corporate domain name transactions and reports them to put a pulse on corporate related domain transactions. This is just a very small sampling of the activity but these often relate to new brands, products, services, advertising and more.

Still coming out of the holiday season, activity is still lower but that will very soon ramp back up. Today’s list isn’t long but it’s full of great domain names that are … Read the rest

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Welcome to Domain Movers where DotWeekly keeps track of corporate domain name transactions and reports them to you! These articles are stacked with fresh data that is interesting and unique! Often times, you hear it here first.

Some big names in today’s list:

Fire Financial Services has acquired the premium generic domain name Fire.com! They are using the domain name PayWithFire.com currently, so clearly this is a big time domain name / brand upgrade for them.

Whois records changed … Read the rest

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Welcome to the latest Domain Movers series on DotWeekly where we keep track of corporate domain name transactions and report them to you. This puts a pulse on corporate domain name activity and highlights new brands, new advertising efforts and more by some of the largest companies in the world.

Not many “huge” domains in today’s list but still active:

AARP has acquired the domain name RealPad.org which had an offering price of $1,399 US.

Applied Motion Products appears to … Read the rest

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