Welcome! This is Domain Movers, we track corporate domain name transactions and report the early findings to you. The following domain names often relate to new brands, new products, new advertising campaigns, new services and much more.

Some big names in today’s list and this is only a small sample of activity over the past 24 hours:

Bands.com a true premium generic domain name has been acquired by Ash Avildsen, CEO of Sumerian Records. Sumerian is a record label and … Read the rest

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Welcome to the latest Domain Movers, where DotWeekly keeps track of corporate domain name transactions and reports the early findings to you.

The follow is a small sample of movements over the past 24 hours:

Note: GoDaddy’s special auction they are holding with some of its NameFind domain names ends today, around 5 pm, CST. You can see all 21 domains here. Some great domain names like MB.org, 90210.com, KeepCalm.com, VF.net, Townhome.com, 59.org, S9.net, Manipulate.com and more. 13 of … Read the rest

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Welcome to Domain Movers, where DotWeekly keeps track of corporate domain name transactions and reports the early findings to you. These findings are often early indications of new brands, products or services. They also can be domain name upgrades and much more.

Here is a sample of the latest findings:

P&G has registered several new Gillette domain names and those include: GilletteRefil.com, GilletteRefilClub.com, GilletteRefill.com, GilletteRefillClub.com, RealShaveClub.com and ShaveClubReal.com

Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC registered ShoutForNuts.com adding to the 1,900 other … Read the rest

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This is Domain Movers! We do our best to keep track of corporate domain name transactions and report the early findings to you. These transactions often relate to new brands, new products, new services, new advertising campaigns and more.

Coming off of a weekend, movements are always down compared to week days but here are the latest movers:

Hulu, LLC registered HuluWithLiveTV.com/.net hinting at something new and adding to the 400+ domain names they own.

Apple Inc. registered a … Read the rest

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