Welcome to Domain Movers. We keep track of corporate domain name transactions and report the early findings to you. Here is a tiny sample of movements recently detected.

As you will see, Frank Schilling’s Name Administration Inc. was a big winner the past couple of days!

Mixer.com that I mentioned had been acquired from Tucows YummyNames on February 17, 2017 but the buyer wasn’t know at that time, has been acquired by Microsoft Corporation. They have set the domain … Read the rest

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Here are a few recent domain movers, with a focus on the corporate world (yet I stick in a few valuable domains that may have moved outside the corporate world).

A little bit of a slow week or I’m feeling the effects of losing some of my research resources. Not sure which one but I still couldn’t do what I do without DomainTools.com and DomainIQ.com! To note, DomainTools owned DailyChanges.com which is a tool I use is moving to subscription … Read the rest

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Welcome! This is Domain Movers, a unique series by DotWeekly that has long focused on corporate domain name transactions and report the early findings to you. These are early signs of new brands, products, services, advertising, investing and more.

It is always “nice” to know the prices paid on these domain names but many times it’s simply not publicly available. I do put in efforts to find an offering price or sales price but what can you do if you … Read the rest

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Welcome to Domain Movers, where DotWeekly keeps track of corporate domain name transactions and reports the early findings to you. Many of these transactions include future brands, products, services, domain upgrades and more.

A special Thank You goes out to both DomainTools.com and DomainIQ.com. Without the tools and services they provide, I can’t do the research required to provide these articles to you! Both services are very kind and provide the tools to me, at no cost. I’m grateful … Read the rest

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