Flont, Inc. has acquired its exact match .com domain name, Flont.com, upgrading from Flont.club.

The “Jewelry as a Service” offers fine jewelry rental and try and buy via a membership service. Flont, Inc. was founded in October 2016 and launched to the public in May 2017 on the domain name Flont.club.

It appears the .com domain name was acquired using Escrow.com to complete the transaction around September 2017 from its past owner PNP Research Labs Pvt. Ltd. for an … Read the rest

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Welcome, this is Domain Movers. We focus on company related domain name transactions and report these early findings to you. These are often new brands, domain name upgrades, future marketing and advertising efforts and much more. We hope these articles help you in some way!

Domain name assets are vital to brands and these companies show that “they get it”, at least most of the time.

Here is a very small sampling of some recent detection’s by DotWeekly:

Verio, Inc.Read the rest

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HomeTrust Bank (HomeTrust Bancshares Inc., the holding company of HomeTrust Bank) of Asheville, North Carolina acquires the premium 3 letter domain name HTB.com from GoDaddy’s (GDDY) NameFind investment domain name portfolio.

In a very likely six figure domain name transaction, the NASDAQ HTBI publicly traded company HomeTrust Bancshares Inc. acquired a great domain name. Similar domains in GoDaddy’s domain portfolio currently hold a minimum offer amount of around $130,000 due to some research by DotWeekly. There is plenty

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Domain Movers keeps track of company focused domain name transactions. These are often early indicators of new brands, new marketing and advertising efforts, domain name upgrades and much more! This is interesting stuff, lesson learning and more and is the reason we share this important information!

Here is just a small sampling of some recent company focused domain name transactions:

Toft Group has done a domain name upgrade and acquired ToftGroup.com at Sedo for $5,500 EUR. The company currently uses … Read the rest

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