Marshalls department stores, which is owned by TJX Companies, has acquired the domain name from Marshalls PLC of the UK. Both are publicly traded companies.
Marshalls (TJX) is currently using the domain name for the brands main website, while Marshalls (UK) is/was using both (corporate) & (corporate & products).
This transaction holds the potential to be a substantial domain name purchase, which may be revealed in a SEC filing at some point.
TJX is traded on NYSE, while Marshalls PLC (UK) is traded on the London Stock Exchange.
Whois records now display TJX as the owner of, but the domain name currently still resolves to the UK Marshalls.
Whois records updated on June 28, 2018 when the domain name transferred from Network Solutions, to corporate brand protection registrar MarkMonitor, displaying TJX as the new owners.
I would expect to become simply in the near future but switching domains is a process and needs to be done correctly.
Any guess what the domain name may have sold for?
At least a few million dollars I would imagine.
Anywhere between $1M to $15M imo. If not material sum why would large corp sell important digital asset they are using themselves. Marshalls (TJX) is going to use domain as transactional website for their brand which makes it extremely valuable to them. What % of the type in traffic going to was looking for Marshalls (TJX)? Probably at least 50%.
C’mon guys, these predictions are just wishful thinking, it is more likely that it sold for 20k than 7 figures.
The “situation” can easily drive a domain names price way up and I think this is one good example. Who wants/needs it more. $20K for this domain, in this situation is not realistic.