Wait’errrr A Minute, Huh

Waitr hasn’t heard the memo, that kind of branding died many years ago! Considering the fact that Waitr “sounds like” Waiter, you instantly have a branding problem.

Add to the monumental problem of the “sounds like” doesn’t match realization, Waitr uses yet a different domain name than it’s branded name, Waitr. Wait, what? Waitr isn’t Waitr.com? Nope, WaitrApp.com. Double trouble or is that triple trouble!

Oh, come on now!

I’d rather take a daily kicking in the nuts than do what they do with the important brand/domain situation they have going on!

Waitr is not Waiter. Waitr is not Waitr.com or Waiter.com. Waitr is er, WaitrApp.com! Maybe it’s just a good thing they are not Waitr.app or your head may do a full 360!

To ramp it up even further, the premium domain name Waiter.com, which many people likely visit when they hear “waitr”, offers basically the very same service, food delivery? Interesting!


The good for Waitr? Drew Brees (and others) threw them a $10 million dollar funding investment and when that took place and was announced, they should have used that to rebrand IMO!

Waitr sounds like a great service, who is producing well and is efficient at what they are doing but the name/domain game is weak! Really weak! They are competing against OrderUp.com, GrubHub.com, DoorDash.com, Waiter.com, JustEat.com, Amazon Prime and more.

When somebody Google’s the sounds like term, they are presented the premium, exact match .com domain name, Waiter.com!


Confusing your clients is a bad thing. Great domain names are good things! Use a great domain, with a great brand name.

To note, it is “OK” to brand with a unique spelling like Waitr, but it’s best to own Waitr.com because that is who you are (often times a unique spelling is used because securing the real spelling as a .com is costly, but a wise investment) AND own the common spelling, Waiter.com for those who are not as unique as your brand spelling. Similar to Fiverr. They use Fiverr.com and later acquired the proper spelling Fiver.com, which redirects to Fiverr.com. Don’t forget, email is important as well. Email to Waitr.com or Waiter.com doesn’t automatically go to WaitrApp.com, but people often assume that Waitr.com would be owned by, a, Waitr!

I’m just not a fan of unique spelling brand names. They have a “cheap” feeling to me and I also find them to be “less professional”.

The less confusing you can be for people, the better and easier they can find you and use your service. Got it!

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8 thoughts on “Wait’errrr A Minute, Huh

  1. Great assessment as usual Jamie. It’s shocking, that in 2017, with Wall Street calling this the tipping point for B&M retail; these startups will invest millions in a ‘brand’ but launch before securing the EMD domain! This is a pure fail for Waitr, but money can fix this mistake…

  2. Er, I meant to say “face in hands” using greater than and less than signs but they were mistaken as HTML tags; so, now I will just say:

    “face in hands”


  3. Yes agree. Then only names you can make the ending R work is short 4 letter names. Anything more is to much. 4 letter names ending with an R are going to 5 figures and possibly 6 figures in a few years if the first 3 letters say an actual word. Branding with 4 letter is smart but when you get into the long branding of ending R it is to much.

  4. When a startup makes 2 branding mistakes in the space of 8 letters (WaitrApp), I find myself asking: How many mistakes do they make in the rest of their business? Do they never seek advice? Do they cut corners everywhere?

    Maybe they ONLY make bad choices with domain names. Maybe a guy who’s wandering around town with 1 shoe missing isn’t a bum but a brilliant CEO who just neglects footwear.

  5. Waitrapp.com would have been better off owning Waiters.com. Oh wait, Waiter.com owns Waiters.com.

  6. He could go get this – it’d be better than what he has…
    It’s available:


    ~Patricia Kaehler — Ohio USA — DomainBELL


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