Welcome to Domain Movers! DotWeekly keeps track of corporate domain name transactions and reports them in the series called Domain Movers as it helps business minded people to get an idea of what others are doing. These article contain a wealth of information, insight and much more by looking at the data. The following domain names will often reflect new brands, relate to new advertising campaigns, marketing efforts and more.

Here are some of the latest domain movers we detected:… Read the rest

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Welcome to another round of Domain Movers, where DotWeekly keeps track of corporate domain name transactions and reports the findings to you. This give you a great idea of what companies are buying and likely for what. A new upcoming brand? A new advertising message? New marketing campaign? New product? The domains are almost always tied to one of the mentioned!

Here we go with the latest movers, which are often early detection’s and often the first time they are … Read the rest

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Considering the idea of using a sub-domain name for marketing? If you do, consider the following:

Note: I provide constructive criticism based on my experience, what I have seen and why I think it’s a problem. I do this to help others.

Today, we take a look at parent company Mondelez who is marketing a new offering for its Oreo brand for the holiday season, gifting Oreo’s.

Mondelez is making a hard push to better the companies ecommerce efforts and … Read the rest

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Welcome to another round of Domain Movers where DotWeekly focuses on corporate domain name transactions and reports them to you. This puts a pulse on the corporate domain name activity and hopefully sheds some light on end user activity. The detection’s are often fresh and likely would not be reported on otherwise, due to the amount of research work it takes daily to keep track.

Here are the latest movers over the past 24 hours:

T-Mobile USA, Inc. registered TMobileDigits.comRead the rest

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