Welcome! This is Domain Movers. We do a bunch of research every day to discover domain name transactions by companies around the world and report our findings to you. These are often early indicators of new brands, marketing and advertising efforts, domain name upgrades and more.

Getting early information is fun, helpful and educational.

Pilot.com which was owned by Hearst Communications, Inc. has transferred out of CSC Corporate domains to Amazon’s registrar under privacy, while switching name servers to CloudFlare. … Read the rest

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Welcome, this is Domain Movers!

DotWeekly digs into domain movements with a focus on corporate domain name buyers and reports the findings to you. These are often very early transactions, so the buyers and purchase price are not always known. We try our best to provide as much information as we can with each.

A special thank you to DomainTools.com for providing exceptional domain research tools for us to use, to help provide these reports for you.

Lobby.com has been … Read the rest

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This is the last Domain Movers for awhile as I’m going to take a break from the series. It takes a lot of time and effort to produce these articles and I know a lot of people love them. It’s important for the domain industry and more but DotWeekly doesn’t earn any money and it has been becoming a challenge due to limitations with DomainTools to do the needed research. Currently my Whois History is maxed out, so it’s nearly … Read the rest

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Welcome! This is Domain Movers where we keep track of corporate domain name transactions and report the early findings to you. These transactions are often early indicators of domain name upgrades, new brands, products, services, advertising efforts and more.

As always, I couldn’t do the hours of daily research without the helpful tools from DomainTools.com and DomainIQ.com!

Here is a very small sampling of the latest corporate focused domain movements detected:

Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. acquired BossFiles.com from its past … Read the rest

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