Welcome to Domain Movers! We keep track of company focused domain name transactions and report these very early findings to you! This very small sampling of domain transactions are for new brands, products, services and more.

Companies around the world are constantly trying improve business, build brands, protect brands etc and this will always relate to a domain name (it should at least). Here is an insiders look at just a few of the recent detection’s by DotWeekly:

H&M Hennes Read the rest

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Welcome! Domain Movers researches domain name movements daily, with a focus on corporate related domain name transaction and reports these findings in Domain Movers.

These are often very early transactions and can highlight new brands, domain name upgrades by companies, new products, services and more. These articles are provided to help you and your business prosper, so please think about it and stay ahead of the curve.

Here is a very small sampling of the latest detection’s over the past … Read the rest

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Choosing your brand name and matching .com domain name are very important. Here’s proof!

Zelle, a surname, one of which being Larry Zelle. The founder of Zelle LLP, which owns Zelle.com and was founded in 1988.

Zelle, a peer to peer payment processing service offered by 30+ banks that launched in 2017. Owners of ZellePay.com

Ever since I launched DotWeekly, I have expressed the importance of “owning your brand” online and in doing so, by owning the best domain name … Read the rest

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This is Domain Movers, a unique series where hours of research is put in daily to detect domain transactions, most by companies around the world for efforts in branding, marketing, advertising and domain name upgrades.

We highlight these transactions as most would go unreported otherwise but we feel it is very important to help other businesses understand the great value in domain names to your business. You always find similar articles to these, in the Domain Discoveries category here on … Read the rest

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