During some digging this morning I had run into the domain name Watchable.com . Nothing crazy that stuck out at me right away, other than it appears according to whois records that the domain was likely acquired for a large company via CSC Corporate Domains on or about July 23, 2014 according to whois records. Doing what I do, I dug into it a bit.

Then I did a trademark search “just in case”. Oh, the term “Watchable” … Read the rest

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Here we go with the latest digging for company domain movers from some of the largest companies and related domain names they recently registered, purchased or are simply moving around for some reason. DotWeekly continues to break a lot of news within these articles, so if you like fresh, interesting data, welcome!


Slate has registered the domain names WashingtonFootballTeamFacts.com .net .org and has already launched a website on the .com . This is interesting, because I wrote this articleRead the rest

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