I took a much needed break yesterday but today I’m back at it with a big and juicy list of domain names that were either purchases, registered or simply moving by some of the largest companies on the web. DotWeekly digs hard for this info and provides it here for the love of sharing. A lot of fresh and upcoming things from several companies, so enjoy. Some big money being spent on domain names!

Del Monte Foods

Has acquired the … Read the rest

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I heard the term “Dronie” in some web video and I thought, that’s pretty cool… a Drone Selfie! Well, drones are going to be huge in the very near future and selfies are big now and have been big before but we just didn’t call them selfies then… so putting the two together, Dronie sounded like a fun term to me.

After hearing the term, I checked on the domain name… It was registered already and was created in May … Read the rest

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I’m starting to feel and sound like a broken record now, but… the ISIS Wallet rebrand is starting to collect a large amount of domain names now! I wrote about Softcard domain registrations, then I noticed similar domains being registered and wrote about Zoma yesterday and now today… Willow.

Today I discovered very similar domains to the domains owned by ISIS Wallet and the rebranding they are doing currently. I noticed similar registrations with new terms Softcard and then Zoma … Read the rest

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DotWeekly Discoveries an the company domain movers series is hotter than ever, breaking stories and ruffling some feathers in the process of me exposing all the details. Well, here is another round of domain name purchases, registrations and simply moving domain names by some of the largest companies on the web. These articles take me HOURS to assemble and years of knowledge applied to obtain the data and simply hard work!

Here we go!

Unknown (update: likely NewsCorp as they Read the rest

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